A new option for running the 2.52 pitch track and drivers on your REV XP PLATFORM or 2017 850's.
Consists of four aluminum billet hubs and two PPD plastic drivers and all the hardware.
The hub and sprocket assemblies slip over the stock shaft and can be located and locked into position without the use of a press. During recent testing on the asphalt we were able to run over 125 mph using the XP sprocket conversion and a 121 Camoplast track. The myth of not getting these XP' s to achieve top end is over. We believe that the non-slip teeth of the stock extrovert drivers scrub MPH from the drive system. Our PPD drivers are involute and do not use extrovert teeth.
Choose from 9 or 10 tooth drivers as shown above. ** When using studs we recommend the 9 tooth diameter for tunnel clearance.
Makes you wonder why Arctic Cat only uses the involute driver - Works on the F-7!